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Fiorello's Flute, 1975 October 14
Fiorello's Flute was the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College, running from 1974 to 1990. It superseded The Bridge.
Cooperative Education, CUNY budget cuts, S-Building, Continuing Education, Recreation Center, Extended day, Center for Afro-American Studies, Open Enrollment, Minter, Jerolyn, Newball, Leo, Hamilton, William, Farrell, Catherine, Berman, Alan, Kwanguvu, Umoja, Shenker, Joseph--Hamilton, William--Newball, Leo, Shenker, Joseph, Hamiltion, William
LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, N.Y.)
Fiorello's Flute, 1976 April 19
Fiorello's Flute was the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College, running from 1974 to 1981. It succeeded The Bridge.
Middle College High School, Continuing Education, Student Clubs, Bicentennnial Festival, Photo contest, T.A.R., Cooperative Education, Afro-American Culture Club, CUNY Caws Contest Winners, Recreation Center, Intercambio Cultural Club, Daycare Center, CUNY Budget Cuts, Kwanguvu, Umoja, Shenker, Joseph, Minter, Jerolyn, Farrell, Catherine
LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, N.Y.)
The Bridge, 1983 June
The Bridge is the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College. Following Fiorello's Flute, it started in 1982 and continues to run today
, College Senate, Scholarships, Scholastic Press Association, Solomon Amendment, Wurtz, Adam, Roberts, Lillian, Day Care Center, El Salvador, Knight, Robert, Nicaragua, Nuclear disarmament, Cooperative Education, Traffic, Williams, John, Galaxy, Drug use, College for Children, Disability Services, International Dance Festival, Theatre, Hamiliton, William, Student Clubs, 10K Race, Mr. and Mrs. LaGuardia contest, Stern, Catherine, Macheski, Cecilia
LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, NY)
Perspective, 1989 September
Perspective was a newsletter published every two weeks to keep the campus informed about current activities. It ran from 1972 to the 1990's.
Bowen, Raymond, Commencement, The Liberty Partnership Program, Office of Communications, Program for Deaf Adults, Nolan, Catherine, Program for Business, Vassar program, Theater program, Middle College High School, Cuomo,Mario
LaGuardia Insider 1997 Spring
University of Santa Domingo, Theater program, 25th Anniversary, Natural and Applied Sciences Department, Mathematics Department, COPE, Gallo,Jose, Co-operative Education, International High School, 25th anniversary, Hall of Flags, Gottlieb, Michael, Deer-Sterling, Carolyn, Elliot, Richard, Farrell, Catherine, Melick, John, Bowen, Raymond, Eicholz, Gunther