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The Bridge, 1983 March
The Bridge is the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College. Following Fiorello's Flute, it started in 1982 and continues to run today
, Budget Cuts, Aviation High School, Subway, TAR, Bookstore, IRS, Student Government, Campus Safety, Cooperative Education, Bilingual Education, Baker, Ella, Black History Month, Vietnam, Theatre, The Rolling Stones, Poetry, Williams, John, The Adult Basic Education Program/new program for deaf and non-deaf students consists of workshops and courses, Writing Center, Rodriguez, Migdalia, Human Services Department, Student Government, Cafeteria, Student Activites, Recreation Department, Chess, 10K Race
LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, NY)
The Bridge, 1984 June
The Bridge is the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College. Following Fiorello's Flute, it started in 1982 and continues to run today
, Mondale, Walter, Traffic, Cooperative Education, Disabilities services, Taxi Institute, Student Clubs, Middle College High School, Faculty Council, Student Government, Persian Gulf, Greenbaum, Joan, Health Fair, Green, Bill, Shenker, Joseph, Deans List, Dance Festival, 10k race, Student Clubs, Soccer
LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, NY)
The Bridge, 1983 June
The Bridge is the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College. Following Fiorello's Flute, it started in 1982 and continues to run today
, College Senate, Scholarships, Scholastic Press Association, Solomon Amendment, Wurtz, Adam, Roberts, Lillian, Day Care Center, El Salvador, Knight, Robert, Nicaragua, Nuclear disarmament, Cooperative Education, Traffic, Williams, John, Galaxy, Drug use, College for Children, Disability Services, International Dance Festival, Theatre, Hamiliton, William, Student Clubs, 10K Race, Mr. and Mrs. LaGuardia contest, Stern, Catherine, Macheski, Cecilia
LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, NY)
Perspective, 1982 Winter
Perspective was a newsletter published every two weeks to keep the campus informed about current activities. It ran from 1972 to the 1990's.
Schneider, Estelle, Students with Disabilities, LaGuardia, Marie, Cooperative Education, 10K Race, 10th Anniversary, M-Building, English as a Second Language program, Koch, Edward, Irwin, Feifer, Boris, Edna, Berman, Alan, Feifer, Irwin, Sterling, Carolyn, Siegel, Annette
Perspective, 1989 March
Perspective was a newsletter published every two weeks to keep the campus informed about current activities. It ran from 1972 to the 1990's.
Ford Foundation, Vassar College Program, Grants, Construction, Whos Who, Cooperative Education, International High School, Budget, Alan J. Berman Scholarship, Road race, Theater, Vassar College, Taxi commissioner
Perspective, 1990 January
Perspective was a newsletter published every two weeks to keep the campus informed about current activities. It ran from 1972 to the 1990's.
LaGuardia, Marie, Lieberman, Janet, Transfer Program, 10k Race, LaGuardia and Wagner Archives, Community School Discrict 30, Natural Sciences Department, Natural and Applied Science department, Kahn, Arlene, Greenberg, Naomi, Grants, Collaborative Curriculum, The Arnhold and Berri Scholarship
LaGuardia Insider 1998 Spring
Middle College High School, Sussman,George, Paramedic program, information Technology, HIV/AIDS, 5K Race, Cunningham, Cecilia, Hamada, George, Lieberman, Janet, Surita, Mukhtar, Schneider, Estelle, Bowen, Raymond, Benjamin, Grace