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Search results
(1 - 20 of 90)
- Title
- LaGuardia Community College Newsletter, May 1971
- Description
- LaGuardia Community College Newsletter
- Subjects
- Orientation, Students, Middle College High School, Cooperative Education, Grants, Heinemann, Harry, Faculty, Barber, Sarah
- Title
- George Hamada
- Description
- Dr. George Hamada was Provost, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Chair of the Natural and Applied Sciences Department and one of the original faculty of the College. He talks about the establishment of the college, the Long Island City area, Cooperative Education and helping develop the Health Sciences program. Timestamp summary of interview: (00:57) Dr. George Hamada discusses the start of LaGCC and the effect of the culture shifts in the 1960’s greatly impacted the mission of the college and how it would be organized. (3:00) Speaks about the faculty at LaGCC during the beginning of the college – “We were a college born in Open Admissions.” Goes onto the talk about the philosophy of the college. (4:10) Talks about coming over to the college from Queens Borough Community College and the differences between the two colleges (5:32) Describes the college as an environment of innovation and allowing for experimentation. (6:33) Goes onto the excitement he felt during that time “Intellectually the most exciting time of my life” and the overall commitment of faculty and staff (7:08) “If we were an alternative college – they were alternative students” Talks about the student body and how it evolved over the years (8:14) Discussed teaching science and his Ecology Intensives course, which involved off campus trips to the beach. (10:24) Describes the first day he walked in and had a room in the M building on the 4th floor and the conditions the building was in (12:56) Talks about the orientation sessions for employees before the college started, including a helicopter ride. (15:23) Describes the area the College was in, such as train tracks on 31st St for the Macys and Gimbels warehouses. (16:00) Hamada discussed the Science and Math area combined with the Math department. Explains how the different divisions were organized compared to the present [1996] (17:01) The college saw itself as a business college because of Coop and Human Services – never saw themselves in health. Talks about the state of the science courses and professors (18:40) Goes on a walk around the college with President Shenker to find a room suitable for the first science lab (20:15) They ran their first class of 13 students, some who eventually worked at the college themselves. (20:55) Curriculum was developing slowly – developed general science – he was coordinating Science – Michael Hoban was Chair of the Department. (21:10) Talks about the inclusion of Occupational Therapy into the college and department (22:48) Makes efforts to modify the college’s Master Plan to include Allied Health as an employment connection for the Health Sciences and to develop the that program. Naomi Greenberg became director of the Occupational Therapy program. Later the Dietetic Technician, Mortuary Science, Animal Health, and Nursing programs were developed. (24:58) Receives a grant in 1975 from the Veterans Administration to collaborate with the VA hospital in Brooklyn (25:42) Discusses the different science programs. (27:17) Returns to talking about the Nursing Program. (29:18) Covers 1980’s nursing shortage and need to increase enrollment. (30:41) Discussed sorting out the Nursing Program to fit the Quarter System and Semester credits, (32:48) Talks about the Mortuary Science program (38:46) Talks about the closeness of the faculty/staff community (1975-1976) and the fiscal crisis and uncertainty of the college’s future in that time (39:42) “We were very unusual – we were making an impact – mission to generate success. Physically we never had enough room – never kept up.” (41:15) Speaks about renovations and moving offices many times (48:12) Hamada talks about changes in the college, and speaks about the 1980s and his position, the different programs and about technology. (52:41) End
- Subjects
- , 25th Anniversary, Oral History, Hamada, George, Health Sciences, Cooperative Education
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (New York, N.Y)
- Title
- Dorrie Williams
- Description
- Dorrie Williams at the time of the interview was Associate Dean of Cooperative Education. He talks about establishing the Cooperative Education program at the College, the changes in the college, and the future of work. Timestamp summary of VHS interview: (1:16) Talks about work experience at IBM before coming to LaGCC, finding out about the college and coming in for an interview. (2:27) Meets with Sheila Gordon at the new college, and said he thought he went to the wrong address – “it was not a college”. Goes on to describe the M-Building in its original condition as an empty factory. (5:57) He also meets with Gordon’s co-worker Ben Baim. There were only 2 people and the secretary that made up Cooperative Education. (6:50) They could not hire Williams until they hired the Dean of Cooperative Education – The Dean would make the final decision – but they would recommend Williams to the Dean. (7:29) After an interview with Dean Harry Heinemann Williams was hired and started working on May 1, 1971. (7:55) Williams said, that summer there was lots of work in terms of recruiting. (8:52) He said, Cooperative Education was on the 3rd floor of the Main building, along with all of the other college offices. (9:19) President Joseph Shenker (Williams also mentions Dr. Rose Palmer) had mandated the Cooperative Education program for all students and built the mission of the college around the concept. (10:56) LaGCC had a division of Cooperative Education at the Deans level – reporting directly to the President. (12:28) They had looked around the country at other established Cooperative Education programs at Antioch College in Ohio, and Northeastern University in Boston. Also looked at BMCC’s (Borough of Manhattan Community College) program in the CUNY system. (13:40) Talks about hiring new staff and the general excitement at the college- coming right out of the 60s (15:31) Williams spoke about the history of the idea of cooperative education history starting from the University of Cincinnati – LaGCC looked at all theories and spoke about how to attract students in Western Queens. (17:49) Speaks about the curriculum and relevant education. (18:48) Williams discussed technology and the work environment beginning to change – “We as a society had to better prepare our future workers.” (21:35) He said they all sat down, himself, Dean Heinemann, Sheila Gordon, Ben Bain, and other members and agreed to build a marketing plan. (23:17) Williams said they were lucky to have companies here in the Metropolitan Area - they had established a brochure for Cooperative Education. (29:00) Talks about contacting CEOs or Human Resources managers in the first few years of the college “We would send literature of who we were and what we needed and would get back to them.” (41:43) Williams discussed the changes over the first 25 years of the college– society having evolved, the college growing, and changes in student demographics, especially in the end of the 1970s to the mid-1980s. (50:26) Williams discussed the year 1990 and the changing future of work (52:33) Discussed students learning to work and interact with others. (55:16) Summarizes the Cooperative Education program and how the college served as a model for Coop Education worldwide.
- Subjects
- , 25th Anniversary, Oral History, Williams, Dorrie, Cooperative Education
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (New York, N.Y)
- Title
- Perspective, 1973 June
- Description
- Perspective was a newsletter published every two weeks to keep the campus informed about current activities. It ran from 1972 to the 1990's.
- Subjects
- Miller, Ronald C., Education- Senior Citizens, Commencement, Palmer, Rose, Para Professional Program, CUNY Teaching Excellence Award, SONY Building, Child care leave, Davidson, Wintson, Lanier, Sarah
- Title
- Newsletter of the Third World Faculty and Staff Association of LaGuardia Community College, 1989 Winter
- Description
- Subjects
- , Third World Faculty and Staff Association, Kahn, Fern, Simpson, Gwyned, James, Patrick, Zimbabwe, Education, Bilingual, Chinese New Year, A Man Called Hawk (Television program)
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College
- Title
- Newsletter of the Third World Faculty and Staff Association of LaGuardia Community College, 1989 Spring
- Description
- Subjects
- , Third World Faculty and Staff Association, Sutherland, Iris, Perez, Miquel, Tuition, Budget Cuts, Inclusive Education, Wu, Clara, Student Protests, Stolen Legacy(Book)
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College
- Title
- Newsletter of the Third World Faculty and Staff Association of LaGuardia Community College, 1991 Winter, Spring
- Description
- Subjects
- , Third World Faculty and Staff Association, Bowen, Raymond C., Under God (Book), Chinese New Year, ;Comprehensive Regional Center for Minorities (CRCM), Watson, Sandy, Education, Welfare recipients, Cross-Cultural Black Women's Studies Summer Institute
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College
- Title
- Newsletter of the Third World Faculty and Staff Association of LaGuardia Community College, 1990 Spring, Summer
- Description
- Subjects
- , Third World Faculty and Staff Association, Mentoring in education, South Africa, Bring students together in common enterprise from the Editor's Desk, Prezeau, Maryse, Voices of Freedom (Book)
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College
- Title
- Cooperative Times, no date
- Description
- Cooperative Times was the newsletter of the Cooperative Education division at LaGuardia Community College.
- Subjects
- Cooperative Education, Employment and Career Services Center, Student Survey, Williams, Dorrie
- Title
- Cooperative Times, Fall 1983
- Description
- Cooperative Times was the newsletter of the Cooperative Education division at LaGuardia Community College.
- Subjects
- Cooperative Education, Ferraro, Geraldine, Internships, Students with disabilities, Coop Prep
- Title
- Cooperative Times, Summer 1986
- Description
- Cooperative Times was the newsletter of the Cooperative Education division at LaGuardia Community College.
- Subjects
- Equitable Bag Co., E-Building, Office Technology department, International High School, Vassar Summer Institute, Sunnyside Home Care Project, Traditional Dinner, Cooperative Education, Williams, Dorrie, Shenker, Joseph
- Title
- Cooperative Times, Spring 1984
- Description
- Cooperative Times was the newsletter of the Cooperative Education division at LaGuardia Community College.
- Subjects
- Cooperative Education, Interviewing, Disney World, Heitner, Joan, CUNY Cooperative Education Council
- Title
- Cooperative Times, Winter 1987
- Description
- Cooperative Times was the newsletter of the Cooperative Education division at LaGuardia Community College.
- Subjects
- Cooperative Education, Degree programs, Queens Business Exhibition, Feifer, Irwin, Williams, Dorrie
- Title
- Cooperative Times, Summer 1987
- Description
- Cooperative Times was the newsletter of the Cooperative Education division at LaGuardia Community College.
- Subjects
- Tradtional Dinner, Interships, Cooperative Education, Feifer, Irwin, Farrell, Catherine, Williams, Dorrie
- Title
- Cooperative Times, Winter 1988
- Description
- Cooperative Times was the newsletter of the Cooperative Education division at LaGuardia Community College.
- Subjects
- Cooperative Education, Transfer Program, LaGuardia Sexual Harassment Task Force, Court Reporting, Williams, Dorrie, Cyril, Janet
- Title
- Cooperative Times, Spring 1988
- Description
- Cooperative Times was the newsletter of the Cooperative Education division at LaGuardia Community College.
- Subjects
- Cooperative Education, Computer Information Systems, IBM, Computer graphics, AIDS Education Committee
- Title
- Cooperative Times, Summer - Fall 1996
- Description
- Cooperative Times was the newsletter of the Cooperative Education division at LaGuardia Community College.
- Subjects
- Cooperative Education, Summer Olympics, School to Work Program, Internships, 25th Anniversary
- Title
- Cooperative Times, March 2000
- Description
- Cooperative Times was the newsletter of the Cooperative Education division at LaGuardia Community College.
- Subjects
- Cooperative Education--Bowen, Raymond, Graduates
- Title
- International Insights 2000 Fall
- Description
- Subjects
- , Mellow, Gail, Study Abroad Program, Cuba, Education-Japan, Internships, Porras, Dehlly
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College