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- LaGuardia, Fiorello (5) + -
- Middle College High School (5) + -
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- Lieberman, Janet (2) + -
- Moed, Martin (2) + -
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Search results
(1 - 20 of 57)
- Title
- Construction of the E Building
- Description
- Construction of the E Building
- Subjects
- , Equitable Bag Building, E Building
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College
- Title
- Perspective, 1973 June
- Description
- Perspective was a newsletter published every two weeks to keep the campus informed about current activities. It ran from 1972 to the 1990's.
- Subjects
- Miller, Ronald C., Education- Senior Citizens, Commencement, Palmer, Rose, Para Professional Program, CUNY Teaching Excellence Award, SONY Building, Child care leave, Davidson, Wintson, Lanier, Sarah
- Title
- Construction of the E Building
- Description
- Construction of the E Building
- Subjects
- , Construction, E Building
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College
- Title
- Proclamation by Mayor Guliani
- Description
- The Proclamation made my Mayor Rudolf Guliani commemorating the dedication of the Hall of Flags
- Subjects
- Buildings, Hall of Flags, M-Building, 25th Anniversary, Guliani, Rudolf
- Title
- Fiorello's Flute, 1975 October 14
- Description
- Fiorello's Flute was the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College, running from 1974 to 1990. It superseded The Bridge.
- Subjects
- Cooperative Education, CUNY budget cuts, S-Building, Continuing Education, Recreation Center, Extended day, Center for Afro-American Studies, Open Enrollment, Minter, Jerolyn, Newball, Leo, Hamilton, William, Farrell, Catherine, Berman, Alan, Kwanguvu, Umoja, Shenker, Joseph--Hamilton, William--Newball, Leo, Shenker, Joseph, Hamiltion, William
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, N.Y.)
- Title
- The Bridge, 1984 November
- Description
- The Bridge is the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College. Following Fiorello's Flute, it started in 1982 and continues to run today
- Subjects
- , Reagan, Ronald, Ford Foundation, Campus Safety, Student Government, Shenker, Joseph, IDNCY, Nicaragua, Soviet Union, Marcos, Ferdinand E., Dance Festival, Dean's List, E-Building, Urban Studies, LaGuardia and Wagner Archives, Counseling
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, NY)
- Title
- The Bridge, 1990 February
- Description
- The Bridge is the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College. Following Fiorello's Flute, it started in 1982 and continues to run today
- Subjects
- , Math Team, Academic Calendar, Student Press, Student Visas, E-Building, Early Childhood Learning Center, Black History
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, NY)
- Title
- Raymond Schoenberg
- Description
- At the time of the interview, Raymond Schoenberg was Director of the Registrar Office. He talks in depth about the college’s early years and how the campus developed over the years. Timestamp summary of interview (follows John Hyland’s interview on tape): (45:23) Raymond Schoenberg started at LaGCC in its first semester in Fall 1971. Talks about his career at Hunter College and seeing the sign for Community College Number 9 and his first meeting with Mary Ryan, Assistant to the Dean of Faculty, Freeman Sleeper, Dean of Faculty, Raymond Bowen, Associate Dean of Faculty, and Janet Lieberman, Assistant Dean of Faculty. (47:54) Sees starting at a new college as an opportunity. (48:40) Talks about the Great Hall which had an area to the side for the Registrar Office, it was also used for classes, for tennis and registration, anything that required a large area and it was were all the action was at the college. (50:35) Mentions how faculty would drive their motorcycles into the back of the building and park their bikes in the Great Hall until they left. (51:11) Talks about working during the summer of 1971 and how the Registrar had needed paper. They received paper from the College of Staten Island with the Staten Island logo and had to remind students for several years that LaGCC was not in Staten Island and it was in Queens. (52:38) Says what was unique about LaGCC all the offices would put their feelings and input into the college. Talks about luncheons at a restaurant on Queens Blvd to discuss the policy of the college. (56:00) Mentions that the College Senate was called the Academic Programming Committee. (56:29) Speaks about technology in the workplace and in the Registrar Office at the time and compares his experience to that at Hunter College. (01:00:39) Schoenberg discussed the changes over the years at the Registrar Office. He had left the Registrar in 1983 – he spoke about the functions of the Registrar office. (01:05:06) He also spoke about the college and service with students and the procedures with computers and technology. (01:11:55) Discusses grades and students and the mail and calling systems. (01:12:29) Talks about the college’s need to grow and the different buildings such as the Satellite Building (Sony Building), Center 3 Building, and the L and P Building (01:12:58) He discussed wider CUNY growth in headcount which continuously grows and says there is a tremendous demand on space. (01:20:43) He discusses the importance of Cooperative Education and students. And the word on the street was LaGuardia cared. (01:24:20) Ends on graduation and changes in credits needed to graduate. Schoenberg mentioned technology and student mobility. He also discusses change in later years.
- Subjects
- , 25th Anniversary, Oral History, Schoenberg, Raymond, Registrar, Great Hall, M-Building
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (New York, N.Y)
- Description
- Fiorello's Flute was the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College, running from 1974 to 2000
- Subjects
- CUNY Audit, Student Activities, Bellany, Carol, Middle College High School, Blood Drive, Student Emergency Health Team, Student Clubs, Daycare Center, Commencement, Construction, S-Building, Family Day for LaGuardia Community College at Mohansic State Park, Schott, Penelope Scambly, Cafeteria, Extended Day
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, N.Y.)
- Title
- Fiorello's Flute, 1977 December
- Description
- Fiorello's Flute was the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College, running from 1974 to 1994
- Subjects
- Student Council--Kwanguvu, Umoja, Cafeteria, Fire Awareness Day, CUNY Audit, Gym, Job placement, Middle College Higt School, Rape, Student Activites Center/Halloween Dance, NYPIRG, Music department, S-Building, Sexual Harassment, Holiday season, LaGuardia, Fiorello
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, N.Y.)
- Title
- Fiorello's Flute, 1982 June
- Description
- Fiorello's Flute was the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College, running from 1974 to 1981. It was succeeded by The Bridge.
- Subjects
- International Dance Festival, Student Council, CUNY Budget Cuts, CUNY Tuition, Body Building Contest, LaGuardia, Fiorello, Astoria Center, Who's Who, Poetry, Ridgewood - Bushwick campus, Campus issues- Ventilation, Health Services, Blood Drive, Program for Deaf Adults, Board of Higher Education, Medgar Evers College, Nuclear disarmament, Extended Day
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, N.Y.)
- Title
- Perspective, 1981 Fall
- Description
- Perspective was a newsletter published every two weeks to keep the campus informed about surrent activities. It ran from 1972 to the 1990's.
- Subjects
- 10th Anniversary, Macchiarola, Frank, Williams, John, Construction, Speakers Bureau, Animal Health Technician, Commencement, Pan, William, Executone building, Library mezzanine, Mathematic department, Grant program, Cooperative Education, Kibbee, Robert J.
- Title
- Perspective, 1982 Winter
- Description
- Perspective was a newsletter published every two weeks to keep the campus informed about current activities. It ran from 1972 to the 1990's.
- Subjects
- Schneider, Estelle, Students with Disabilities, LaGuardia, Marie, Cooperative Education, 10K Race, 10th Anniversary, M-Building, English as a Second Language program, Koch, Edward, Irwin, Feifer, Boris, Edna, Berman, Alan, Feifer, Irwin, Sterling, Carolyn, Siegel, Annette
- Title
- Perspective, 1983 Spring
- Description
- Perspective was a newsletter published every two weeks to keep the campus informed about current activities. It ran from 1972 to the 1990's.
- Subjects
- Construction, Middle College High School, Estern, Neil, LaGuardia, Fiorello, LaGuardia and Wagner Archives, LaGuardia Works, E-Building, Gallingane, Gloria
- Title
- Perspective, 1984 Winter
- Description
- Perspective was a newsletter published every two weeks to keep the campus informed about current activities. It ran from 1972 to the 1990's.
- Subjects
- E-Building, LaGuardia, Marie, Cooperative Education, Continuing Education, Program for Deaf Adults, Literary Magazine, Gym, LaGuardia, Fiorello, International student exchange program, Middle College High School, Williams, Dorrie, Shenker, Joseph, Groman, George, Fassier, Doris
- Title
- Perspective, 1984 Spring
- Description
- Perspective was a newsletter published every two weeks to keep the campus informed about current activities. It ran from 1972 to the 1990's.
- Subjects
- New York Taxi Institute, Nursing Program, Art Department, Mondale, Walter, Women's Rights, Education-Prison, Koch Edward, College for Children, Queensboro Bridge, Satellite Building, Food Service Management for Business and Industrial Sectors, Computer Technician, Emergency Medical Technician, Travel and Tourism Program, Commercial Photography, Nursing, Physical Therapist, Credit Management
- Title
- Perspective, 1985 Fall
- Description
- Perspective was a newsletter published every two weeks to keep the campus informed about current activities. It ran from 1972 to the 1990's.
- Subjects
- Middle College High School, Program for Deaf Adults, E-Building, Continuing Education, Community History Program, Cuomo, Mario, LaGuardia, Fiorello, Rawson Street Station, LaGuardia apple, Theater program, CUNY Campaign
- Title
- Perspective, 1989 January
- Description
- Perspective was a newsletter published every two weeks to keep the campus informed about current activities. It ran from 1972 to the 1990's.
- Subjects
- E-Building, Tradition Dinner, LaGuardia Lecture Series, Business Computer Major, Enrollment, Groundbreaking, Construction, Hurricane Gilbert Relief Drive, External Affairs, Center for Business Careers and Values, LaGuardia and Wagner Archives, Horn, Dan, Shenker, Joseph, Moed, Martin
- Title
- Perspective, 1989 May
- Description
- Perspective was a newsletter published every two weeks to keep the campus informed about current activities. It ran from 1972 to the 1990's.
- Subjects
- Pew Charitable Trusts, Art Selection Committee, M-Building, Middle College High School, Sign Language Program, Moed, Martin, Computers for new lab, Dropout prevention, College for Children, Lieberman, Janet, Horn, Dan
- Title
- Machi Versano 10
- Description
- A triptych showing men cutting trees and building a wooden structure.
- Subjects
- Logging, Building, Gwich'in Indians, Artic Village (Alaska)