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(1 - 20 of 71)
- Title
- Campus Activities Office Schedule March 20, 1972
- Description
- The Campus Activities Office Schedule of events and newsletter.
- Subjects
- Student Activities, Coalition to Save LaGuardia CUNY, Budget crisis, Career Advisory Center, Courses
- Title
- Barbara Carson
- Description
- Barbara Carson first came to LaGuardia Community College as a student, but returned as a tutor and stayed on in a variety of teaching and administrative positions. Timestamp summary: (00:42) In 1981, Barbara Carson graduated from LaGCC and at time of interview works in the Theatre department. (1:26) Came to LaGCC for Secretarial Science talks about her decision to switch to Liberal Arts to concentrate on teaching. (3:24) Talks about the coziness and supportiveness of the college, describes the M-Building and the Cooperative Education Division in the L & P Building over the pizza factory (4:17) After she graduated from LaGCC, Carson attended a 4 year college but missed the sense of involvement and encouragement from LaGCC. (4:44) Professor Marian Arkin offered Carson a job in the Writing Center as a tutor, Carson talks about how that affected her educational decisions. Goes on to describe courses and internships (6:48) Describes the Coop Seminar and how it prepared students for the transition between school and work and how to think of your career over the long term. (7:54) Talks about student life on campus (9:21) Gives examples of her personal/direct interactions faculty as a students and how they directed her toward literature and teaching. (10:17) Describes the student body, describes the students as having very realistic goals and going to LaGuardia for the purpose of education for a career. (11:17) Talks about working at LaGuardia while completing a bachelors’ degree at Queens College and the differences between the two schools (13:42) Covers her positions as Assistant to the Dean and Assistant to the Theatre Director and her want to help students (15:01) In 1988/89 she teaches Basic Reading in the Communication Skills department and talks about her positive experience as a teacher (16:14) Talks about how the college has in expanded in size over the years (17:42) “The 25th Anniversary theme sums it up – Tradition of innovation – LaGCC has never been afraid of trying something new if it benefits the student.” Total time is 18:48
- Subjects
- , 25th Anniversary, Oral History, Carson, Barbara, Students, Writing Center
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (New York, N.Y)
- Title
- Campus Activities Office Schedule April 24, 1972
- Description
- The Campus Activities Office Schedule of events and newsletter.
- Subjects
- Cooperative Education, Policies, Academic Standing Committee, Career Advisory Center, Lieberman, Janet, Student Activities, Hamilton, William
- Title
- In Transit, v.4, Fall 2009
- Description
- In Transit The LaGuardia Journal on Teaching and Learning, Fall 2009, v. 4.
- Subjects
- , Rhetoric, Critical thinking, Reflective learning, Nursing--Study and teaching (Associate degree), Libraries, Education (Continuing education), Wikipedia, STEM
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, NY)
- Title
- Campus Activities Office Schedule April 17, 1972
- Description
- The Campus Activities Office Schedule of events and newsletter.
- Subjects
- Student Activities, Attendance, Tests, Buttons, LaGuardia Coalition to Save CUNY, Budget, Career Advisory Center
- Title
- Campus Activities Office Schedule December 6, 1971
- Description
- The Campus Activities Office Schedule of events and newsletter.
- Subjects
- Student Activities, Veterans Education Center opens, Extended Day session, Clubs, Budget
- Title
- Fiorello's Flute, 1975 October 14
- Description
- Fiorello's Flute was the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College, running from 1974 to 1990. It superseded The Bridge.
- Subjects
- Cooperative Education, CUNY budget cuts, S-Building, Continuing Education, Recreation Center, Extended day, Center for Afro-American Studies, Open Enrollment, Minter, Jerolyn, Newball, Leo, Hamilton, William, Farrell, Catherine, Berman, Alan, Kwanguvu, Umoja, Shenker, Joseph--Hamilton, William--Newball, Leo, Shenker, Joseph, Hamiltion, William
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, N.Y.)
- Title
- Fiorello's Flute, 1976 April 19
- Description
- Fiorello's Flute was the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College, running from 1974 to 1981. It succeeded The Bridge.
- Subjects
- Middle College High School, Continuing Education, Student Clubs, Bicentennnial Festival, Photo contest, T.A.R., Cooperative Education, Afro-American Culture Club, CUNY Caws Contest Winners, Recreation Center, Intercambio Cultural Club, Daycare Center, CUNY Budget Cuts, Kwanguvu, Umoja, Shenker, Joseph, Minter, Jerolyn, Farrell, Catherine
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, N.Y.)
- Title
- The Bridge, 1983 March
- Description
- The Bridge is the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College. Following Fiorello's Flute, it started in 1982 and continues to run today
- Subjects
- , Budget Cuts, Aviation High School, Subway, TAR, Bookstore, IRS, Student Government, Campus Safety, Cooperative Education, Bilingual Education, Baker, Ella, Black History Month, Vietnam, Theatre, The Rolling Stones, Poetry, Williams, John, The Adult Basic Education Program/new program for deaf and non-deaf students consists of workshops and courses, Writing Center, Rodriguez, Migdalia, Human Services Department, Student Government, Cafeteria, Student Activites, Recreation Department, Chess, 10K Race
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, NY)
- Title
- The Bridge, 1986 Winter
- Description
- The Bridge is the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College. Following Fiorello's Flute, it started in 1982 and continues to run today
- Subjects
- , Student Clubs, Drug use, Day Care Center, Student Union, Free Zone, Scholarships, Yankee Stadium(New York, NY:1923-2009), Bronx (New York, N.Y.
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, NY)
- Title
- The Bridge, 1990 Spring
- Description
- The Bridge is the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College. Following Fiorello's Flute, it started in 1982 and continues to run today.
- Subjects
- Student Protests, Bowen, Raymond, Student Activities, Student Visas, Job Placement Center, College Association, Budget Cuts, Cohen, Ann, Gazzola, Judith
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College
- Title
- The Bridge, 1990 February
- Description
- The Bridge is the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College. Following Fiorello's Flute, it started in 1982 and continues to run today
- Subjects
- , Math Team, Academic Calendar, Student Press, Student Visas, E-Building, Early Childhood Learning Center, Black History
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, NY)
- Title
- The Bridge, 1988 Fall
- Description
- The Bridge is the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College. Following Fiorello's Flute, it started in 1982 and continues to run today.
- Subjects
- Tuition, Campus Safety, Cooperative Education, Accounting Resources Center, Vassar College program, Mathematics Department, Health Center, Williams, John
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College
- Title
- The Bridge, 1982 November
- Description
- The Bridge is the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College. Following Fiorello's Flute, it started in 1982 and continues to run today
- Subjects
- , Tuition, Campus Safety, Cooperative Education, Accounting Resources Center, Vassar College program, Mathematics Department, Health Center
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, NY)
- Title
- Sandra Watson
- Description
- Sandra Watson Director of Family Staff (at time of interview) talks about her experience in the Division of Adult and Continuing Education and as a counselor in the Veterans Program (00:46) Sandra Watson spoke about the founding of LaGCC in the early 1970s -- a period when people struggled during the Civil Rights movement and CUNY was in position to respond – at a time for women and people of color wanted to come into the institution -- it was a time after the Vietnam War. (2:23) Goes on to describe the student body (2:47) Talks about her coming to LaGuardia Community college as a vocational counselor for the Veterans Programs. (4:05) Came to LaGCC in 1974 and said it was a very exciting place. Talks about the Great Hall, Leonard Saremsky who would drive up in his motorcycle right up to the door; tennis courts in the back; partitions separating the space, no offices – a feeling of oneness. (4:47) Talks about Joseph Shenker’s age and the overall young staff. (5:43) The Division of Adult and Continuing Education was written in the Governance Plan – the arm to reach out to the community – a community that was very diverse. (6:53) Speaks about Adult and Continuing Education creating programs which would later be turned into degree programs – The Dean of Adult and Continuing Education was Ann Marcus, Sandra spoke about different faculty lines in Adult and Continuing Education and support for President Shenker. (8:18) Sandra said, most of the people in the division ran program areas and knew how to write grants. (8:47) Mentions the Single College Concept (9:38) “We were told we could fail, we could try, we could experiment” (11:22) Discusses the Veteran’s Program and says it was one of the most challenging programs she ever worked in. Talks about how the counseling and workshops were organized (14:14) Mentions that the Veteran’s program was not funded for the first time in 24 years (1996), in her opinion due to the sharp conservative political turn in government (15:11) Talks about how ACE programs were funded, developed and community involvement in the process. Discusses the Deaf Program (17:55) Speaks about Fern Kahn (18:19) Speaks about collaborating with funding agencies and city agencies (19:19) Goes in depth about the Deaf Program and its diversity (22:31) Discusses the continual need for space in the college, the Great Hall, moving offices (25:44) Speaks about changes in the college now and before, and innovation and LaGCC. (30:11) She also discussed changes and development of programs for changes and the community. Sandra spoke about Queens and the development of programs and going to the community – Children’s College was built. (30:11) Mentions the change of the ESL program – credit and non-credit programs. (36:11) She discussed the college and its growing older. (37:04) Sandra says she comes to a place where she works with social problems and social change – happy to be here. The institution is for the students.
- Subjects
- , 25th Anniversary, Oral History, Watson, Sandra, Veterans Affairs, Adult and Continuing Education, Program for Deaf Adults
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (New York, N.Y)
- Title
- Fiorello's Flute, 1978 February
- Description
- Fiorello's Flute was the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College, running from 1974 to 1981. It succeeded The Bridge.
- Subjects
- Sony Cafeteria--Williams, John, Financial Aid, Day Care Center, Student Activities, Traffic, Cafeteria Prices, Blood Drive, Transfer Services, CUNY Audit, NYPIRG, Art Gallery, Michael Sullivan Dance Company, LaGuardia, Fiorello
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, N.Y.)
- Title
- Fiorello's Flute, 1979 January
- Description
- Fiorello's Flute was the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College, running from 1974 to 1981. It superseded The Bridge.
- Subjects
- Science Department--Shenker, Joseph, Student Council, Student Services, Womens Week, Student Clubs, Placement office, Career Resource Center, Student Activities, Shenker, Joseph, Talent show, Pat, Mary, NYPIRG, Nader, Ralph, Cooperative Education
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, N.Y.)
- Description
- Fiorello's Flute was the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College, running from 1974 to 2000
- Subjects
- CUNY Audit, Student Activities, Bellany, Carol, Middle College High School, Blood Drive, Student Emergency Health Team, Student Clubs, Daycare Center, Commencement, Construction, S-Building, Family Day for LaGuardia Community College at Mohansic State Park, Schott, Penelope Scambly, Cafeteria, Extended Day
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, N.Y.)
- Title
- Fiorello's Flute, 1975 August 20
- Description
- Fiorello's Flute was the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College, running from 1974 to 1981. It succeeded The Bridge.
- Subjects
- Censorship of Press, Yearbook funding, Student Activities, CUNY Budget Cuts, Housing Services, Art Department, Moed, Martin, Daycare Center, Registration, Lab Technicians, Moed, Martin, Palmer, Rose, Hamilton, William
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, N.Y.)
- Title
- The Bridge, 1983 June
- Description
- The Bridge is the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College. Following Fiorello's Flute, it started in 1982 and continues to run today
- Subjects
- , College Senate, Scholarships, Scholastic Press Association, Solomon Amendment, Wurtz, Adam, Roberts, Lillian, Day Care Center, El Salvador, Knight, Robert, Nicaragua, Nuclear disarmament, Cooperative Education, Traffic, Williams, John, Galaxy, Drug use, College for Children, Disability Services, International Dance Festival, Theatre, Hamiliton, William, Student Clubs, 10K Race, Mr. and Mrs. LaGuardia contest, Stern, Catherine, Macheski, Cecilia
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, NY)