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(121 - 140 of 653)


Audrey Harrigan
Marie LaGuardia
Janet Lieberman
President Raymond Bowen at his Inauguration - September 18, 1990
Raymond Bowen (left) and Joseph Shenker - September 18, 1990
President Mellow and NYC Council member Joseph Crowley
Susan Armiger - Division of External Affairs - 1980s
Lena Horne and New York State Governor Hugh Carey perform at the Traditional Dinner
Donald Manes, Elizabeth Holtzman and President Shenker (right) at LaGuardia Community College Commencement
Queensborough President Donald Manes Addresses Graduates
Graduation Cruise Masked Ball - September 1992
Students at the airport
Students on a ski trip to Berkshires - January 1988
Students in Montreal - 1993
Students in Orlando, Florida -1991
Student ride horses together down a trail at a Dude Ranch -1982
Students in Cancun, Mexico -1992
Evangeline Gouletas, LaGuardia Community College President Bowen, and Olympia Dukakis at the Traditional Dinner
