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(101 - 120 of 644)


Student typing on a word processor
Students standing in front of the Main Building of the college
A student with a baby
Students in the gym playing basketball
Students sculpting in art class
Veterinary Technology Student holding a x-ray cassette by a horse
Veterinary Technology student with mice
Students in The Great Hall in the Main Building
Veterinary Technology students with a goat
President Joseph Shenker at Graduation Exercises with Julian Bond
Umoja Kwaguva, Coordinator (seated) Program Operations - Student Activities
George Groman, Professor English Department
President Joseph Shenker (center) and Robert Wagner, Jr.
Umoja Kwaguva(right) Coordinator of College-Wide Programs
Vice President Martin Moed with Sharon Brown of the Flute and Joe Hunt of Student Government
Pia Audritsi, Martin Moed and Joseph Shenker at Honors Night
George Hamada, Associate Professor Natural Environment - Early 1970s
