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Search results
(61 - 80 of 100)
- Title
- The English Language Center Literary Magazine 2019 June
- Description
- The English Learning Center, LaGuardia College College
- Subjects
- , The English Language Center (TELC)
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College
- Title
- Faculty Council Newsletter, 1978 April
- Description
- Faculty Council Newsletter.
- Subjects
- Faculty Council--Shenker, Joseph, Executive Board of the Faculty Council Meeting
- Title
- Faculty Council Newsletter, 1993 June
- Description
- Subjects
- , Faculty Council, Governance, The Goldstein Report
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College
- Title
- LaGuardia Insider 1999 Spring
- Subjects
- Internation education, Internationl High School, Queens Urban Partnership, College Now program, Taxi Drivers Institute, Marketing Posters, The Bridge Newspaper, Middle College High School, Charter Schools, Strategic Plan, Lucca, Louis, Hernandez, Yvette, Lieberman, Janet, Saunders, Will, Bowen, Raymond
- Title
- Cooperative Times, no date
- Description
- Cooperative Times was the newsletter of the Cooperative Education division at LaGuardia Community College.
- Subjects
- Cooperative Education, Employment and Career Services Center, Student Survey, Williams, Dorrie
- Title
- Barbara Carson
- Description
- Barbara Carson first came to LaGuardia Community College as a student, but returned as a tutor and stayed on in a variety of teaching and administrative positions. Timestamp summary: (00:42) In 1981, Barbara Carson graduated from LaGCC and at time of interview works in the Theatre department. (1:26) Came to LaGCC for Secretarial Science talks about her decision to switch to Liberal Arts to concentrate on teaching. (3:24) Talks about the coziness and supportiveness of the college, describes the M-Building and the Cooperative Education Division in the L & P Building over the pizza factory (4:17) After she graduated from LaGCC, Carson attended a 4 year college but missed the sense of involvement and encouragement from LaGCC. (4:44) Professor Marian Arkin offered Carson a job in the Writing Center as a tutor, Carson talks about how that affected her educational decisions. Goes on to describe courses and internships (6:48) Describes the Coop Seminar and how it prepared students for the transition between school and work and how to think of your career over the long term. (7:54) Talks about student life on campus (9:21) Gives examples of her personal/direct interactions faculty as a students and how they directed her toward literature and teaching. (10:17) Describes the student body, describes the students as having very realistic goals and going to LaGuardia for the purpose of education for a career. (11:17) Talks about working at LaGuardia while completing a bachelors’ degree at Queens College and the differences between the two schools (13:42) Covers her positions as Assistant to the Dean and Assistant to the Theatre Director and her want to help students (15:01) In 1988/89 she teaches Basic Reading in the Communication Skills department and talks about her positive experience as a teacher (16:14) Talks about how the college has in expanded in size over the years (17:42) “The 25th Anniversary theme sums it up – Tradition of innovation – LaGCC has never been afraid of trying something new if it benefits the student.” Total time is 18:48
- Subjects
- , 25th Anniversary, Oral History, Carson, Barbara, Students, Writing Center
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (New York, N.Y)
- Title
- In Transit, v.1, n.2, Spring 2006
- Description
- In Transit The LaGuardia Journal on Teaching and Learning, Spring 2006, v.1, n.2
- Subjects
- Computer literacy, Cultural pluralism, Literacy, College Now, Citizenship, Career education, ePortfolio, English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers, Education--Immigrants, Libraries, Occupational therapy, Mathematics--Study and teaching, Business and technology, Boris, Edna
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College
- Title
- In Transit, v.1, n.1, Fall 2005
- Description
- In Transit The LaGuardia Journal on Teaching and Learning, Fall 2005, v.1, n.1
- Subjects
- English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers, Mathematics--Study and teaching, Education--Standards, Students, Web-based instruction, Career education, Nursing--Study and teaching (Associate degree), Lucca, Louis, White, Scott
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College
- Title
- Andres Flaco
- Description
- A man without clothing sitting on a rock in a waterfalls and mountains in the background
- Subjects
- Nature photography--Chile, Photography of the nude, Chile,
- Publisher
- Title
- The Door by Rene Sing Brooks
- Description
- An experimental film created by René Sing Brooks. This piece was the final project in (Lecturer) Thomas Seymour's Video Production class this Spring II semester. The artist statement is below. Growing up under the back then kerosene lamp nights of Bluefields, a small city on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua, had a strong influence on my film and writing sensibilities. My Caribbean childhood and early adolescence have nurtured a lifelong concern with time, memory and personal/communal story, which is reflected in most of my work to date. I have been a digital filmmaker for nearly nine years, mostly as a short form documentarian covering issues of justice system involved individuals and of other community protagonists—mainly fellow artists—dedicated to social-justice struggles. Although my artistic sensibility is significantly shaped by socio-political concerns, this does not preclude the aesthetic exploration of filmmaking’s form and structure for implications beyond—or beneath—the “message”, which in my case draws from dream textures and narrative flows derived from Nicaragua’s African, aboriginal and mestizo magical imaginings. Along the road, I have gathered influences from Béla Tarr, Andrei Tarkovsky and Chris Marker, among others. These creators deftly explore the relationship of form, structure, tempo and meaning, an exploration that is at the heart of my creative concerns and that guides my efforts to develop a personal voice that isn’t alienated from the visual and narrative syntax of my evolving communal experiencing.
- Subjects
- The Door, Brooks, Rene Sing
- Title
- Gil Muller
- Description
- Dr. Gil Muller was Special Assistant to the President at the time of the interview and overall a long time member of the English Department. he talks mainly about the development and changes in the English Department. Timestamp summary of interview: (1:18) Dr. Gil Muller said he had interviewed for LaGCC in the Winter of 1970 here in New York City at the annual Modern Language Association Meeting. At the time, Muller had lived in Berkeley, California and had taught overseas after graduate school. (6:25) Talks about first seeing the college and meeting President Joseph Shenker (6:34) “It was a very raw factory – it was a college in the making.” (7:26) Muller went back to Berkeley, California and received a formal letter to appoint him as Assistant Professor in Division of Language and Culture. (8:30) Talks about the college orientation in the summer of 1971 to plan for the opening of the College (10:10) They were creating a college from scratch. (10:43) Talks about Prof Harvey Weiner another English professor from the start of the college (11:24) Muller spoke about the courses they had created and spoke about one week Intensives. Talk’s about Professor Judy Gomez “Utopian Society” course in Staten Island, NY and Professor Sarah Barbara’s “Wilderness Experience” course in the Catskills of New York. (14:41) Muller spoke about the helicopter ride – circle tour around Manhattan and Long Island City. (17:00) Describes teaching in an environment where construction was happening all round the building. (17:51) Talks about The Great Hall and its many functions (administration, counseling and teaching.) (18:41) Describes the “founding” faculty members of the college, especially their youth and President Shenker’s age. (19:20) Muller talks about the work environment and long hours worked. Mentions open admissions. Talks about off campus food and meeting spots, specifically Brooks Restaurant (20:53) Spoke about the first fiscal crisis (1975/1976). Muller talks about the tenure and discusses President Joseph Shenker and George Groman. (24:30) Talks about the hiring of professors and hiring a diverse group of faculty members. Talks about bringing John A. Williams and Richard Price to the college. Discusses adjuncts at the college. (30:27) Discusses the English department and its courses. (31:48) Talks about the creation of the Faculty Council, college governance and splitting the English Department from the Humanities Department (34:12) Discusses students that were attending LaGCC and changes in the English department’s mission (37:48) Muller spoke about what he thought made LaGCC different – and how the college has adjusted its mission. Ends at 40:30
- Subjects
- , 25th Anniversary, Oral History, Muller, Gil, English Department
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (New York, N.Y)
- Title
- Flag of the Kingdom of Morocco donation
- Description
- Correspondence from Abdelouahab Bellouki of the Permament Mission of the Kingdom of Morocco to the United Nations to President Bowen in regards to donating a flag and informational materials to the Hall of Flags.
- Subjects
- Flag of the Kingdom of Morocco, Hall of Flags, 25th Anniversary
- Title
- In Transit, v.3, Fall 2008
- Description
- In Transit The LaGuardia Journal on Teaching and Learning, Fall 2008, v.3
- Subjects
- Education--Immigrants, English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers, ePortfolio, College Now, Education, Cooperative, Education (Continuing education), Nursing--Study and teaching (Associate degree), Cultural pluralism, Bukowski, Charles, Creative writing (Higher education), Young, Susan
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College
- Title
- Flag of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia donation
- Description
- Correspondence from Vladislav Jovanovic from the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to the United Nations to President Bowen in regards to donating the countries flag to the Hall of Flags.
- Subjects
- Flag of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Hall of Flags, 25th Anniversary
- Title
- Campus Activities Office Schedule April 24, 1972
- Description
- The Campus Activities Office Schedule of events and newsletter.
- Subjects
- Cooperative Education, Policies, Academic Standing Committee, Career Advisory Center, Lieberman, Janet, Student Activities, Hamilton, William
- Title
- Campus Activities Office Schedule February 28, 1972
- Description
- The Campus Activities Office Schedule of events and newsletter.
- Subjects
- Student Activities, Coalition to Save LaGuardia CUNY, Student Faculty Association, Career Advisory Center, Advisory Committee on the Status of Women at CUNY, Clubs, Events
- Title
- Fiorello's Flute, 1978 February
- Description
- Fiorello's Flute was the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College, running from 1974 to 1981. It succeeded The Bridge.
- Subjects
- Sony Cafeteria--Williams, John, Financial Aid, Day Care Center, Student Activities, Traffic, Cafeteria Prices, Blood Drive, Transfer Services, CUNY Audit, NYPIRG, Art Gallery, Michael Sullivan Dance Company, LaGuardia, Fiorello
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, N.Y.)
- Title
- Fiorello's Flute, 1977 December
- Description
- Fiorello's Flute was the student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College, running from 1974 to 1994
- Subjects
- Student Council--Kwanguvu, Umoja, Cafeteria, Fire Awareness Day, CUNY Audit, Gym, Job placement, Middle College Higt School, Rape, Student Activites Center/Halloween Dance, NYPIRG, Music department, S-Building, Sexual Harassment, Holiday season, LaGuardia, Fiorello
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (Long Island City, N.Y.)