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(541 - 546 of 546)
- Title
- LaGuardia Community College Media Studies News: Episode 3
- Description
- This week our news team explores the world famous 5 Pointz Aerosol Art Center in Long Island City. Go to for more information.
- Subjects
- Celentano,Holly, Long Island City (New York, N.Y.), 5 Pointz, Cohen, Johnathan Meres, Students
- Title
- The Door by Rene Sing Brooks
- Description
- An experimental film created by René Sing Brooks. This piece was the final project in (Lecturer) Thomas Seymour's Video Production class this Spring II semester. The artist statement is below. Growing up under the back then kerosene lamp nights of Bluefields, a small city on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua, had a strong influence on my film and writing sensibilities. My Caribbean childhood and early adolescence have nurtured a lifelong concern with time, memory and personal/communal story, which is reflected in most of my work to date. I have been a digital filmmaker for nearly nine years, mostly as a short form documentarian covering issues of justice system involved individuals and of other community protagonists—mainly fellow artists—dedicated to social-justice struggles. Although my artistic sensibility is significantly shaped by socio-political concerns, this does not preclude the aesthetic exploration of filmmaking’s form and structure for implications beyond—or beneath—the “message”, which in my case draws from dream textures and narrative flows derived from Nicaragua’s African, aboriginal and mestizo magical imaginings. Along the road, I have gathered influences from Béla Tarr, Andrei Tarkovsky and Chris Marker, among others. These creators deftly explore the relationship of form, structure, tempo and meaning, an exploration that is at the heart of my creative concerns and that guides my efforts to develop a personal voice that isn’t alienated from the visual and narrative syntax of my evolving communal experiencing.
- Subjects
- The Door, Brooks, Rene Sing
- Title
- Elmhurst Hospital
- Description
- Elmhurst Hospital and health care workers
- Subjects
- COVID-19 Experience, Elmhurst Hospital (New York, N.Y.)
- Title
- Sandra Watson
- Description
- Sandra Watson Director of Family Staff (at time of interview) talks about her experience in the Division of Adult and Continuing Education and as a counselor in the Veterans Program (00:46) Sandra Watson spoke about the founding of LaGCC in the early 1970s -- a period when people struggled during the Civil Rights movement and CUNY was in position to respond – at a time for women and people of color wanted to come into the institution -- it was a time after the Vietnam War. (2:23) Goes on to describe the student body (2:47) Talks about her coming to LaGuardia Community college as a vocational counselor for the Veterans Programs. (4:05) Came to LaGCC in 1974 and said it was a very exciting place. Talks about the Great Hall, Leonard Saremsky who would drive up in his motorcycle right up to the door; tennis courts in the back; partitions separating the space, no offices – a feeling of oneness. (4:47) Talks about Joseph Shenker’s age and the overall young staff. (5:43) The Division of Adult and Continuing Education was written in the Governance Plan – the arm to reach out to the community – a community that was very diverse. (6:53) Speaks about Adult and Continuing Education creating programs which would later be turned into degree programs – The Dean of Adult and Continuing Education was Ann Marcus, Sandra spoke about different faculty lines in Adult and Continuing Education and support for President Shenker. (8:18) Sandra said, most of the people in the division ran program areas and knew how to write grants. (8:47) Mentions the Single College Concept (9:38) “We were told we could fail, we could try, we could experiment” (11:22) Discusses the Veteran’s Program and says it was one of the most challenging programs she ever worked in. Talks about how the counseling and workshops were organized (14:14) Mentions that the Veteran’s program was not funded for the first time in 24 years (1996), in her opinion due to the sharp conservative political turn in government (15:11) Talks about how ACE programs were funded, developed and community involvement in the process. Discusses the Deaf Program (17:55) Speaks about Fern Kahn (18:19) Speaks about collaborating with funding agencies and city agencies (19:19) Goes in depth about the Deaf Program and its diversity (22:31) Discusses the continual need for space in the college, the Great Hall, moving offices (25:44) Speaks about changes in the college now and before, and innovation and LaGCC. (30:11) She also discussed changes and development of programs for changes and the community. Sandra spoke about Queens and the development of programs and going to the community – Children’s College was built. (30:11) Mentions the change of the ESL program – credit and non-credit programs. (36:11) She discussed the college and its growing older. (37:04) Sandra says she comes to a place where she works with social problems and social change – happy to be here. The institution is for the students.
- Subjects
- , 25th Anniversary, Oral History, Watson, Sandra, Veterans Affairs, Adult and Continuing Education, Program for Deaf Adults
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (New York, N.Y)
- Title
- Vincent Banrey
- Description
- Mr. Vincent Banrey graduated from the college in 1977 and at the time of the interview was Associate Director of the Student Health Office. Timestamp summary [Interview follows the interview with Enock Charlotin on VHS tape]: (22:19) Introductions and discusses coming to the college as a student because of the Cooperative Education Program and his impressions of the college as a student. (24:41) “The college wasn’t very big so there was a sense of people knowing each other” (25:00) Describes the layout of the building, covering the cafeteria, “Sangria Junction,” and the multi-purpose Great Hall. (28:40) Discusses the different faculty and staff that helped him as a student and the counselors the college provided (31:20) Banrey discussed the closeness of the college in the early years and knowing people from different departments (32:53) Covers the Cooperative Education Program and mentions how the Writing for Business and Coop Seminar courses helped him prepare for writing resume and interviews. (36:07) Had an internship at the Brooklyn Navy Yards. He was a Research Analysis Assistant. (37:11) Talks about how internships helped him decide his career path. (40:00) Goes into the growth of the college, construction and the changing physical space of the college and changing administrative structure. (45:12) Covers the different support services and student resources on campus and how they have changed and grown over the years (48:32) Talks about changes in the student body and points out the large number of veterans who attended the college in the 1970’s, coming from Vietnam and benefiting from open admissions (51:35 ) In reference to the question “what makes LaGCC distinct,” Banrey said, “The slogan that was used – LaGuardia Works – because it cares about the people.”
- Subjects
- , 25th Anniversary, Oral History, Students, Great Hall, Cooperative Education, Banrey, Vincent
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (New York, N.Y)
- Title
- Terry Parker
- Description
- Terry Parker, head of the Library’s Media Center, started at LaGuardia Community College as a student, later working in the Media Center recording events and activities across the College. He retired in 2017. (1:00) Talks about the working in the SETA(?) program at York College, and making the decision to start college, eventually attending LaGuardia in 1976 as a full time student. He describes and his first impressions of the college and thinking it was the airport. (5:50) Said students at the time operated in circles and you only notices who was in that circle. He was in the Student Activities Office. (6:24) Describes the students he attended with, mostly older nontraditional students influenced by the late 60’s and the Vietnam war and self-reliant. (7:41) Describes his Social Science class with Professor Reitano who let students interpret history themselves based on primary documents and how it changed his opinion on learning history. (10:02) Talks about his major, different jobs he had on campus and eventually working in with the Audio Visual person with Student Activities, which became his major. Talks about his AV role on campus. (14:47) Compares evening students with the day students, student clubs and the roles of Student Government and Student Activities on campus and their use of the Student Activities Fee. (19:51) Describes being part of the “student patrol”, which supplemented the professional security on campus. (22:56) The full time person at the Student Activities department had left and Terry had graduated and had filled his position. (23:17) Talks about the 1978-1980 Student Government elections and how voting was organized, initially with their own voting machines and then reaching out to an outside vendor to handle the ballots. (27:33) Started a film program and purchased a lot of equipment and was very pro student. His boss had felt he was too pro student. (30:48) Returns to talking about Student Government (31:57) Talks about the growth of the college, changes in student/faculty relations and the need for more space even after the addition of the E-Building. (34:48) Mentions the institutional support students and staff received in the 1970s and 80’s (36:45) Reflects on his time spent as a student at LaGuardia, how the college helped him create a career, and the gratitude he has towards the people he has worked with. “It is more than just a place where you come to work - it is your second home a lot of times it is your first home.” Total time 43:22
- Subjects
- Student Activities, 25th Anniversary, Oral History, Parker, Terry, Library, Students
- Publisher
- LaGuardia Community College (New York, N.Y)