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The Astoria Project: Interethnic Encounters
A collaborative project with the Max PlanckInstitute, Göttingen, Germany for the Study of Religious and EthnicDiversity. The Institute is dedicated to the comparative,multi-disciplinary study of diversity in historical and contemporary societies.Dr. Anna Cieslik of MPI and myself, used the Astoria Photo Project to assist MPI in understanding local diversities in New York and to illustrate how people make connections with each other in Astoria. -Scott Sternbach -
Photographers: LaGuardia Community College Commercial Photography students
Curators: Scott Sternbach, Javier Larenas and Lidiya Kan
Expedition Chile
LAGCC Study Abroad Students in 2012 (Fall II), had the choice of participating for four weeks in travel to Santiago and Valparaiso. The students captured moment of unique beauty during their journey to one of South America’s most fascinating countries. In the candid and formal portraits, landscapes and cityscapes of lyrically documented photographic and video graphic narratives, the students explore culture, cuisine, agriculture, ritual and social issues. -Scott Sternbach -
Photographers: LaGuardia Community College Commercial Photography students – Study Abroad
Curators: Scott Sternbach, Javier Larenas, and Lidiya Kan
The Humanist
The Humanist was a newsletter/literary journal advised primarily by Umoja Kwanguvu
C.A.O.S. Newsletter
Newsletter for the Campus Activities Office which would list the week's schedule of upcoming campus events.
Perspective was the faculty and staff newsletter running from the 1970's to 1990's
Cooperative Times
Cooperative Times was a publication of the college's Division of Cooperative Education.
Faces of Islam
“A photographic exhibition, as a part of “Beyond Sacred: Unthinking Muslim Identity” project on display at Queens Museum of Arts and LaGuardia Gallery of Photographic Arts. “Beyond Sacred: Unthinking Muslim Identity” is a year long series of dance, live theater, art exhibitions and public forums created to expand awareness and understanding of Muslim culture in post 9/11New York City by LaGuardia Performing Arts Center (LPAC). “The Faces of Islam exhibition presents a representative group of diverse community college students. These teachers, artists, airline pilots, community activists, attorneys and myriad others joined with our students and alums to share the bond of creative photography. In the process they met as human beings working together for a common cause; to be seen as individuals and not as stereotypes.” -Scott Sternbach -
February 2015 – Showcased at the Queens Museum, NYC City Hall, and LaGuardia Gallery of Photographic Arts
Photographers: LaGuardia Community College Commercial Photography students
Curators: Scott Sternbach, Javier Larenas, and Lidiya Kan