Expedition Chile
LAGCC Study Abroad Students in 2012 (Fall II), had the choice of participating for four weeks in travel to Santiago and Valparaiso. The students captured moment of unique beauty during their journey to one of South America’s most fascinating countries. In the candid and formal portraits, landscapes and cityscapes of lyrically documented photographic and video graphic narratives, the students explore culture, cuisine, agriculture, ritual and social issues. -Scott Sternbach -
Photographers: LaGuardia Community College Commercial Photography students – Study Abroad
Curators: Scott Sternbach, Javier Larenas, and Lidiya Kan
- Chaiten
- A house in Chaiten
- Chaiten
- A house in Chaiten
- Chaiten
- A the hose of Pastor Hector Ocampos in Chaiten
- Chaiten
- A badly damaged house in Chaiten
- Chaiten house
- A house with a large window and front porch in Chaiten
- Cigarette
- A close up photograph of a man's face
- Clotheslines and power lines
- Clotheslines and power lines crisscrossing in Valparaiso
- Cloud Landscape Print
- White clouds gather together over a field and mountains
- Cochrane Chile
- Gauchos playing an outdoor game at the Cochrane Festival
- Cochrane festival
- An “asados” at the Cochrane Festival
- Corinne Philippou 8
- A stream running through the mountains
- Coy haique toma
- A view of Coyhaique