As I was waiting for my Lyft to pick me up from the local Stop & Shop, I spotted a flock of pigeons across the market. They seemed to be pecking the ground as if they were being fed, a visual you don't often see these days as we are all instructed to limit our outings and follow through with the mandated quarantine. I saw this man with a bag of Wonderbread, breaking it into pieces and making sure each bird recieved a ration. I approached him, "You don't see this anymore," as I pointed to the birds and the bread on the ground. He smiled and then he replied, "The people who used to come and feed 'em aren't able to come anymore. But, we gottri take turns and help out these little guys." He informed me that he was on his break from working at the Stop & Shop. He and some other colleagues come out with food items to make sure that the birds and the squirrels who once depended on the generosity of others- have something in their stomachs by the end of each day. Photographed outside of Stop & Shop 34-51 48th St, Queens, NY 11104